Covington Virginian from Covington, Virginia (2024)

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Covington, Virginia

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a 1 -Vf yfc VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY RICHMOND 19' YA -i r-' -V'" Zi- i weather 1 rTOBECASIT- 'Cloudy with pda to-alght ending I Thursday and soma I snow la mountains -s Colder Thursday Low tonight 40-45 la west andgorth Colder Thursday iikL 0 g- JS9 -apiirweN- Jr 'V Si -0 a (tTtSTKSW- vTaicyjtw-K QhBMaraajjA I lt '-S wJT fv ts Hivi A i- V-? -et a -s i irt i i i -I VoL XU No IIS Buslana Office Dial 2121 COVINGTON VIRGINIA WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DECEMB epartmrnt Dial 2122 DVrCENTS -H r's A- A Awaits Answer 'yt y- V' VV4 PARIS (AP)-r-The Drench Na- jtional Assembly poped iiv discus rsions' today -toward -its'fiiuil cision about the problem- of WeV German- rea Anainent The depu- ties convened at 4pRUiforthe showdown onhe late of botlithe Western Defense Alliance Premier- Pierre HesvyPeliee Perce if g-Jk A-' heavy' -r police forcw'atoedl-guard outside thr- Assembly prevent any masa demonstrationa while-: the deputies come: decision 'which they have delayed for four: yesrs VAndre: levTronuervjleiidentrb in white boiled shirt hndtaU-v coaC sst in- the chairr1'-' on a platform to guide the drbittM Premier Sst 4 the emter of the first rowsfJiMtl Islstl BirthdOf? Dr Sbeppard Attorneys Seek To Get New Trial Today is the Slat birthday of Dr Samuel ti---? A week ago the fifth day of men and 'five women jurors- in their: first unanimous decision agreed the youthful athletic -osr teopath had clubbed to death his pregnant wife Marilyn' Less than five hours later thej jurors determined the degree of! the crime finding guilty of murder in 'the second degree Withina few 'minutes a judge sentenced Sheppard to life imprisonment which Could keep behind bars his 41st birthday while serving the 10-year minhnum term -fpr parole eligibility Overturn Verdict Tomorrow his attorneys in a otion for a new trial will seek to overturn the verdict reached 102 hours after the state and defense rested their cases The trial began Oct 18 Part of the story of what occurred during the seemingly endless hours in the jury room was disclosed last night by-four Sheppard jurors in statements to the Cleveland Plain Dealer The Frank A Kollarits Edmond Verlinger Howard Barrish and Mrs Beatrice indicated in their ac- counts: 1 That a four full days and part of the fifth were spent discussing whether Dr Sheppard killed his wife and unanimous agreement was not reached -until about -It a of the fifth day -f That the remainder of the de less than five hours: were' spent determining the del: gree of guilt and examining a cs instructional given ithe jurors by Pleas Judge Edward Net Important Factor That testimony by Miss Susan Hayes attractive 24-year-old laboratory technician who admitted intimacy with Dr Sheppard wasT nbt an important factor 1 'Ll' 'III- V' I -Wlthttnnjnf hig'f audtionumr ministers alongside The deputies bs ve bee called fly on to vqfe twice today Aodr verseyote Utbeg nme yoifld IwptSSf the Yesignation of and might lead the UnitpdStatet and Britain Jh forgeTbhead- With the rearmament of West Genninyr wV without opinion on the recruiting Ola iTh BHillMn iiilV tA BLVE RIBBON WINNER was the" decorated door at the home Mr Carl Skoagard in dale la the religioua claae tbe deeoratioB was awarded the first place ribbon in competition among members of Mbnntai RhrerGatden Clnb (StaffPhoto by Dana Ford Thomas) win but by gvi nsrrowerVmar ginslhsn MMOlballot to admit "the'- Bonn govemmenC infn North AAttbhlle Treaty GrEiyaUoicBjdf MendeftbMeMbdtf lmttri confidence imuesgtaki(tg his erdnienre HOsiMtheirroutcoi Actual balloting was oot expected tortert until tonighLfi kejrvete wasen tbtltcatk of the tresty admitting West Ger pact7hebihiwhlph ectual- FIRSTS PLACR hi fetfive ctan for Mountain River Garden -Clnb members west to MrsPeter i (f (SHINGTON(The'ArmrHmo llling out some officers and shortening slightly the active duty terms s-Jsfration announced lastweek that the Army had ne active auty terms been ordered to reduce1 ox some araiiees me samin- its-strenph by 73000 more1 11 if gr- Fnr Wnrlrnrs -inen than had been planned by nest June 30 and by a additional 100000 by mid-1956 Army offi- rAlttC 4 U11VCI 3 eiair Wid today theyj still 1are( AUGUSTA Ga President indfcted by tha panel yesterday wssRsy White of Tamps FlSH 'an! already has been charged with conspiring to' murder' Paul -HalV Lowest Death -tv Hall of Moritvale and working pn a program to bring' Cp TflP CpplrQ Eisenhowed about these reductions in an or-JClis vC-kjCCIvO message to 'ng pay increases tor red-: yt service workers and pos-i IF tPTC I I CP its! employes jon rff kist Among the lO hien W1jj Mnd special other official of the union who ixfl- White are opponents in an ttefj-iljfj for 4he $28000-a-year pmtiDMIW Another special message s'i -m Jtjfcftoahialki approved FWpnratC article MondgyllghtJbuf4 ibt rajificationras 270 votef pn-both iasww Enoughi dgpufiea in the 2JeSfmbe? tfe wre expected to abstain to fivt gfe- hint victom-V-: -y-'i-L'Wi! -v- i ryf' Also indicted was James flllt Cobb alias Frank fareenpf Tam- VAtvIllllltAIIl wood anas rranx urevn oi The first move was to cut the February draft call 20000 Which had been fixed ier to 11000 The Pentagon said RICHMOND fiP) The lowest quotas of about that size! nnounuiun tr ocu a mafhVate in Virginia history continue at least through 'Carthy (R-Wis) said today he is1 Tu tjip deaths per 1000 population June seeking a seat on the Senate For- ffh rr between July I1 -Terms of some draftees all of'eign Relations Committee in the outlined recently by Secre-t -By uAO Says Scientist pa reputed triggerman In the foil-j Jf- ed plot who told police he VM ln Mnof if '3 hired by -White and was to have! Ill lTlUoL Wl sOs received $15000 to kill Hall 1 Of the five White 10531 ALTON BLAKESLEE AP Science Reporter and June 30 1954 Iwhom were called up for 24 hope of influencing Eisenhower The State Health months will be shortened i (administration policies in tary of Defense Wilson i Adnrjamn Hagertv White HouseU BERKELEY Calif York Steely said a According to present thinkingw1 he regards as upcrctary told reoorters the can be turned into fertilizer by om all no draftees will be forced out On the committee he would proposals for civil service pav in-magicaj little algae raising from Tampa Priore isof the country sgaintoday bureau of vital statistics total of 30098 deaths causes were reported in Virginia ahead of time' but present plans have a new forum to argue for creases and adjustment of job prospect of growing food crops iB y--' OfjEmbezzlemejit fl held ip $50000 bail in New York! Across the nation-there- 'will1 reported -during the period call for the release next May of tougher measures against Com- classifications would add about without soil The No 1 killer in the state was draftees who have completed 23munist China 202 million dollars a year to pre- today 'heart disease accounting for 10-t service and in June of No Republican vacancy on the sent pavroll costs Algae are' one-celled -'347 deaths or more than one-(those who have completed- 22conmittee prospect and Me- This figure is about 5 per cent which grow in water Oi third the total -'Carthy conceded the newsmen of the prewnt payroll for clai-grMn jyp Gf agae now is found Second was intra cranial or The Army also expects to raise that his chances of winning a tied civil service workers -t vascular lesions affecting the ren- iL standards for the acceptance jxeat are slim But he said that to said tral system causing a of volunteers and for soldiers who attain one he is willing to give up Hagerty did not provide any available for growing crops gnog covered UinCiexs AndtherBIasys4ieMU foul of 3R63 deaths Various sf want to re-enlist ihU place on the coveted Approp-figures on the increases being Thil the main thing that wsrds ne union of- pnhnjie anj most of west apd Robert Johnstone attrlhutoA flictions which fall into this cate- FMmt riations Committee He serves al- considered for employe of the tiiize do-supply nitrogen tor om- l2K northwwt Texas A belt of snow his downfall to an effort to livj i so on the Rule and Government Post Office Department and growing crop was found in his carai nd Bergi en igleet nd freezing extended fromhe Wg -y: -4 The first success in growing! County Prosecutor Gu wUmtern- Oklahoma- and Wto! Irice plants using nitrogen grabbed aA Cobb nasquick to "dmi eastward' into est central Mis- er 0f a son In college fousht ifrom the air by' 'the algae wo de- hri to bll by New rdtohoKSlKSS jscribed to the American Snow continued in irthcrn arrsignment lsst niSht befori VlV jtion for the Advancement of Ray White denies any knowl-jNew England At Cafjbou Maine' william NEW HOPE Ala (AP)-A iScienre by Dr Daniel I Arnon edge ofa plot awl call it jut it 'measured gjjadtoh -m of pant nutrition a big smear He has indicated 0f one foot since yesterday morn-r He is assistant vie nrealrfan fight extradition to New ing fh gory most commonly are termed brain hemorrhages strokes of Pentagon officers said they did Operations committees members of the armed forces Upoplexy and coronary embolism not believe it will be necessary He said he hss asked the GOP '1 Cancer was third among the conduct any wholesale forceout Committee on Committees which! death causes with 3857 victims tof reserve officers now on active handles such assignments to ar- l- The figure included deaths fromdity But other reserve officers range a switch -Leukemia commonly called can- and regulars will have their ef- The GOP membership on the cer of the blood stream ficiency reports carefully acruti- Foreign Relations Committee will C110 Hying Box Car ea route partrtient of plant nutrition a Tht Army has already an-jbc reduced by when- Demo-f to Stewart Air Fore Base U-Vr 5 assisiant vice president of f- Boardwalk National Accidents-induding deaths one the hiehwavs was in fourth atricter enforcement ofrats organize the Senate next Tenn with a crew of seven and The finding offera cheap ef- with 2097 deaths Of all forin voluntary retire-jWeek One present Republican four pasoengers slammed Into a ectve way fertilizing various According to the 40 was a a dfienta deaths 882 itonlted from highw The remaining five Ihe number of deaths were pneu- Am monia and influenza 1242: to rice plants and found the Newbern after a flight from a base not 8e a Bank-i' SKth lar resort dty" He V-v and Alabama tp 4h Middle aM Imruim lnw4 'Ar grand jury sippi ppi Winner Of Honors! p-riodHowev th i Immediately disclosed'" -Officers fromf Stewart lo-iSK grejywdhout needing ntro- -u- 'nilht dealt only with an alleged cated near Murfreesboro Tenn en from the soil Thry got it all ---T imiappropristlon of $9600 made izz SSdhthJf ilssln Area Improvement Contest 1 S' AUTmS word most of them of the variety called Brieht's disease) 515 and con genital malformations (present a birth but not discovered fntil later life) 505 4 a State Highway Dept For Bids On Five Advertises IE Road Projects ithan BLACKSBURG Va (d)-Thew almost 200 times faster coiitest be-doctor who came to the Wtn- had been believed The algae the winners o( Bristol munity as a result 6f concerted 1 r- and Roanoke area community im- effort and the aid of the Virginia Jonnstones story according to provement contests has been won Council of Health and Medical Fv picture of a mai by Newbern Pulaski County 1 Care deeper into Flalwoods located eight nules trouble after making an initial southwest of Jones ville: was ma -1 busy too A new high school has The' FBI agent said Johnstone been built new roads have been fft took funds from an account constructed and 'several new he had sole control homes have been built 1944 Then he began msnlpu- -At Newbern the community! a mimeograph machine" 4aa toting accounts and making false i fL tL I 1s Mituin Vr'h Zone yesterday center came in for a share bought for the school last Hjagf raised the 1954 state trsfflri Bid will be opened Thursday sion yesterday announced the1 Street yTatolity toll to 797 compared with: jan jgi Mt' 10 am award of contracts totaling $2- Rockbridge Countv 11 897 a year ago Earl Miller 19 was polishing oattention during 1954 An d- nd S100 was donated for uee 4Iba aV Mbimaana miIiam J'il I agM On apparently drowned when bto route leading to the -Hampton ing 60 between Buena Vista two-foot divided blocks on Vicr'kev snarled and soat at his pickup truck swerved off Ihe rosd Rosds Bridge Tppnel System land Lexington $802249 for rei'on-tory beginning at t)ie freshly polished reflections bout 11 mile south of Lexing- of Tidewater Drlre corporate limito 'of Ports-: Concession' uwkenianimsrnd 25 additional residents in-24 communitiesand 1511 faimMreolic orlmte of Poland arrested 19 ground beautification widespread tnting of cowherds ived information ihet' SeAri The water tine was completed In the Bristol area last year Cardinal Wvsztnski Roman ton toppled down an embank-federal aid project which will be Norfolk $320440 for modifica- mouth shelter bfficials and police i I j- ar stalled systems Road signs auto reported? in the Roanoke' the Communists i last year mend and landed upside down in located near the to of the preatrtm of Lansdale traffic circle at Grayaon County-Route rived Their reflections in the tags and farm signs frequently 39 com inunltlei -and 3276 gravely HU -1 creek ent Chapel Street railroad cross-i the Intersectimt of -U 13 afid mile 'of 20-foot surfacing and mare of mirrors added to the gen-are seen Newbern took part in sfNinilies I The American cold 'war station if Jesse Eugene Cullop 29 ofjmg will be shared by the city State Route 165 in Norfolk and curve modification at Dies 't eraleonfiisinn 'county wide clean-up campaii A 4A aiAotol ft A glib A IM I 1 1 A 1 A a A aaa a a County died Instantly nd ersl and Princen i counties of Smyth Jn Mtotej governments Anne-- with-: City 460-Ai- The monkey lraped to the raft and donated 3000 pounds if food the chiunbers of commerce of has been transferred from Lids Route 165 to bjy widencd and di- Underpass and approaches at the ers and fled to the nuict of a rest for unemployed miners in an- Bristol and Roanuke' and the bark Prison to Wanaw and -ms Virginia Tech AgritulturlJ'Ex-undergo a serious operation to was tension Servlet save hia lift ilway 1 tured Anothrr major activity a -J to i 1' Al i on- aS 4.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.